CARHA (Christian Action Relief for Haiti) is dedicated to Christ-centered outreach and works to spread the message of Christ through Bible Study, prayer meetings, and evangelism. The organization also aims to provide medical care and emergency relief for Haitians in need. CARHA offers regular health check-ups, vaccinations, and a variety of health services such as nutrition classes and general healthcare to individuals and families. CARHA also works to provide educational support through scholarship programs, student mentoring, and providing access to books, computers and other resources. In addition to Christ-centered outreach, CARHA is committed to helping Haitians become more self-sufficient by offering financial literacy classes, job training opportunities, and career counseling. By utilizing the power of Christ and the love of His people, CARHA is helping Haitians to realize their full potential. By providing Christ-centered outreach, medical care, education, and financial literacy opportunities, CARHA is making a difference in the lives of Haitian families. Through Christ-centered outreach and relief efforts, CARHA is creating a brighter future for Haiti. With the help of Christ and His people, CARHA is empowering Haitians to reach their God-given potential. Together, with Christ at the center, we can work together to bring hope and lasting change to Haiti!